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7 Days to Spring Clean Your Work Routine

Flowers are in full bloom, the sun is setting later, and the spring season makes us want to get organized. We think these tips will help you rebalance your work routine to make heading into the office almost as relaxing as heading off to happy hour…

image via @hungryhipsters

Day 1, Sunday: Lunch Planning: We always have the best intentions on weekends to plan out our meals so we can brown bag it all week! In reality, we end up cobbling together random leftovers Monday morning and by Wednesday we’re buying lunch. Break this cycle by heading to the grocery store or local farmer’s market and stocking up on foods dedicated to lunch. Find space in your fridge to carve out a “lunch” section and prep as much as you can the night before so mornings are a cinch. Here’s over a month’s worth of ideas from one of our go-to food blogs, the Kitchn.

Day 2, Monday: Mailbox & Inbox Clean Out: There are always a handful of emails sitting at the bottom of your inbox flagged “for next week” but today is the day to take action. Whether you file them away, reply to them, or forward on to someone else, take the time today to get your inbox (digital or physical) cleaned out for a fresh start. Today’s also a great day to look at your daily emails and unsubscribe to those you usually delete anyways. This will shave a few minutes off your email reading and deleting every morning!

Day 3, Tuesday: Make your List: Now that your inbox is clean, time to organize your to-do list. However you make your list, make sure it’s easily seen from your computer and is written in an order that makes sense – whether by priority, client, or due date. Try to strike a balance between too broad and too definitive. Once you’ve got your list, you’ll be able to schedule free time more easily and you might even be able to find chunks of time to unplug and focus on tasks that take your full attention. Need inspiration? Get yourself a to-do list you’ll want to write on – may we suggest this fun notepad from Rifle Paper Company?

Day 4, Wednesday: Up your Outdoor Game: Get up and head outside for a quick walk around the block or just to sit in the sun for a few minutes. Clearing out your head for even 10 minutes will help keep you focused back at your desk. For a bonus, since you’ve been brown-bagging it, grab yourself an iced green tea while you’re out. In L.A.? Check out Griffith Park for miles of hikes right in the city – we love the Western Canyon hike.

Day 5, Thursday: Healthy Happy Hour: We all love happy hour, but this week find an hour in your schedule for health. Take a spin class during your lunch break, find a hike you can stop by easily on your way home, or watch a video for some at-home meditation or yoga. It might not seem as fun as a mojito, but scheduling time to stay healthy will keep you happier at work (and play!) To get you started, check out for a free online video (we love Fiji’s classes!), or learn about at-home meditation.

Day 6, Friday: Team Bonding: Happy team = happy workplace. You’ve worked hard all week and Friday’s are the perfect time to bond with your coworkers. We’re big fans of donuts and creative photoshoots breaks here at Soda Pop but here are a few other bonding ideas courtesy of Fast Company.

Day 7, Saturday: Turn it Off: You made it to the weekend, and now it’s time to find a way to detox. Unplug from your email and phone for as long as you can and just be present, whether it’s with a friend, your family, or in nature. Spend today relaxing and recharging before prepping for your week ahead tomorrow.

Feel free to repeat any and all of these weekly to help keep you happy and healthy at work and home.

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